(4) Event List
Note: This page is for regatta organizers who have staff access to their regatta.
The event list feature allows regatta administrators to set up events based on gender, age/class, weight and shell type. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use this feature for your convenience.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is highly suggested to create your price models (i.e. cost for a 2X, 4+ and 8+ entry) before create the event list, so you can select the price as you go and do not have to go back in at a later time and adjust the cost for each event.
How to Create an Event:
- Go to RegattaCentral and Login.
- Select the regatta you want to view from the regatta calendar on the left of your dashboard. Click on 'Staff'
- Select 'Event List' from the left hand side of the screen under 'information'
- Go to Edit tab on the Event List page
- When you click 'Edit' a 'hide' option will become available; you can use to hide entry options from public view while you are editing the list.
- Select the desired attributes by clicking on the grey boxes under gender, category, class/skill, weight and shell.
- Once the desired attributes have been selected, you can edit the Title, by clicking the box next to title.
- You select the deadline group, price model and taxes also.
- See the creating General Deadlines page for a step-by-step guide on the deadline creation process.
- see the (3) Price Models (Entry Fees) page for a step-by-step guide on the price model creation process.
- Click 'Add'
- Repeat as needed for each event, and please note you will have to go in and edit the time for each event: a step-by-step guide for times is provided below.
NOTE: To add an Other item to the Event List, such as a note or break, click the blue other link above the race attribute box
- Enter a Description (i.e. Lunch, Coxswain Meeting)
- Click 'Add'
How to Copy an Event List:
- Go to RegattaCentral and Login.
- Select the regatta you want to view from the regatta calendar on the left of your dashboard. Click on 'Staff'
- Select 'Event List' from the left hand side of the screen under 'information'
- Go to Edit tab on the Event List page
- When you click 'Edit' a 'hide' option will become available; you can use to hide entry options from public view while you are editing the list.
- If you have held the event in past years, you will be able to select to copy the event list from a past year. If you do not copy the fee models you will need to edit the fee model using the event editor.
- Once complete you will select the save button on the upper left of the event list.
How to edit times and day:
- Go to RegattaCentral and Login.
- Select the regatta you want to view from the regatta calendar on the left of your dashboard. Click on 'Staff'
- Select 'Event List' from the left hand side of the screen under 'information'
- Go to Edit tab on the Event List page
- Scroll down to event of your choice and select the 'time' for the event (i.e. 8:45)
- Edit the time by clicking in the box and typing the time of the event.
- Click 'ok' to save the time.
- Repeat for each event.
- Click on the 'day' of the event (i.e. Saturday)
- Click on the drop down menu to select the correct day and click 'ok' to save.
- If the correct events are not displayed please contact your RegattaCentral Account Manager for assistance.
Edit an existing event
- Click on the Title of the event you wish to edit
- A pop-up editor box will appear, for a step-by-step guide on how to use this window please see the Event Editor page.
- Make the changes then click 'OK'
- For more information on using the event editor for event configurations Click Here
General Notes
To re-order the events:
- place the cursor anywhere on the row, other than the Title or Time (you should see a four way arrows icon)
- left click to drag and drop the event into the desired position
- check the box to 'Update event numbers to reflect the new order', if need be
- click Save
To delete an event:
- click the red circle located to the left of the Event #
- If the event is not removed after confirming the deletion, please contact RegattaCentral for assistance. There is a likely a draft entry in the event which is prohibiting the deletion.
For assistance, please contact your RegattaCentral Account Manager. If you need help finding their information, please contact support@regattacentral.com with "Please forward to Account Manager" in subject line or call 614-360-2922.