For Regattas with Lightweight events a Weigh-In station is available which acts as a Registration station for lightweight entries. Pre-configured weight limits allow staff to weigh in and record the weight of individuals, and calculate boat averages if needed. If an athlete fails to make weight, the registration cannot be completed unless each member of a crew weighs in within the restrictions.
To view an entry select the Athlete/Crew from the Entries listing:
In the lineup section, there will be 2 icons next to an athlete's name - one is to indicate the status of their waivers (if applicable) and the other is to indicate the status of their weigh-in. A green icon means that item has been completed/satisfied, a yellow icon indicates that the item needs attention:
To record an athlete's weight, select the Athlete from the lineup at which point a box will appear for the weight to be entered.
When the staff hits 'save weight' for a compliant entry, the screen will return to the lineup screen to complete check-in. If the weigh entered is non-compliant, the following display will appear - in which a supervisor may approve an exception if necessary.
Once weights/waivers have been recorded for an entry, the registration can be completed by filling in the information of the coach/local contact, just as the standard Registration station.