- Athlete has a current record on roster, but isn’t is not showing as compliant for the regatta:
- Why? The Athlete likely has duplicate records on the team roster (either Active or Archived) and the record selected when
submitting the regatta entry is not the record associated with the current USRowing membership and waiver. - Solution:
- Access the team Roster through either through a RegattaCentral account or through the USRowing USRowing membership portal
- NOTE: Only RC account holders with Coach Level Access will see the entire team roster
- Search the ‘Active’ and ‘Archived’ tabs for the athlete’s recordsany matching athlete records
- TIP: Enter the First or Last Name in the Filter field to quickly find all records associated with the athlete
- Move any ‘Archived’ records to ‘Active’ (select the athlete record, then then ‘Unarchive’ icon)
- If found a record is found, select it and then select ‘Unarchive’
- To Merge, select both Athlete records
- If using a PC, hold down the use Control key + left click to select multiple records
- If using a Mac, hold down the use Command key to + left click to select multiple records
- Select the ‘Merge’ iconin the tool bar
- NOTE: To merge records, the Athlete’s First and Last Name, DOB, gender, and email Email must match.
Select the record to access the Athlete Detail screen.
- Access the team Roster through either through a RegattaCentral account or through the USRowing USRowing membership portal
- Why? The Athlete likely has duplicate records on the team roster (either Active or Archived) and the record selected when
- Athlete says they completed a waiver, but they are not you cannot find a compliant record on your roster:
- Why? Most The athlete most likely the athlete did not enter the Club Code to affiliate themselves with the team Roster when they completed the USRowing membership portal
or OR the Athlete was deleted has been Archived or Deleted from the team roster. - Solution:
- Access the team Roster either through a through either a RegattaCentral account or through the the USRowing membership portal
- NOTE: Only RC account holders with Coach Level Access will see the entire team roster
- First, search the ‘Archived’ tab for any matching athlete records
- If you find a match, found a record is found, select it and then select ‘Unarchive’ it
- Merge with existing 'Active' records, if needednecessary
- If no records are found under the ‘Archived’ tab, select one of the options below to search the database for any matching athlete records:
- If logged into RegattaCentral account:
- select ‘Add’
- in the tool bar while under the ‘Active’
- tab
- Select ‘Yes’, the individual is a member of USRowing
- Select the ‘Search by Last Name and Birthdate’ option
- Enter the Last Name and Birthdate of the athlete and click Search
- If a record is found, add it to the team roster
- If multiple records are found, you will need to repeat the ‘Add’ process for each record and then merge the duplicate records
- If logged into the USRowing membership portal
- select 'Add Athlete' while under the 'Active' tab
- Select the ‘Search by Last Name and Birthdate’ option
- Enter the Last Name and Birthdate of the athlete and click Search
- If a record is found, add it to the team roster
- If multiple records are found, you will need to repeat the ‘Add Athlete’ process for each record and then merge the duplicate records
- select 'Add Athlete' while under the 'Active' tab
- If logged into RegattaCentral account:
- Access the team Roster either through a through either a RegattaCentral account or through the the USRowing membership portal
- Why? Most The athlete most likely the athlete did not enter the Club Code to affiliate themselves with the team Roster when they completed the USRowing membership portal