Entries Events tab

Entries Events tab

Note the three tabs at the bottom of the left pane in Regatta Workbench.  You'll do most of your pre-regatta work in the Entries/Events tab:

Regatta properties - Click on your regatta name, the top line in the left pane.  If the little square to the left of the regatta name has a + sign in it, click on it to change it into a - sign and expand the list of events.


In the lower right pane, click on the Properties tab. You may come back to change some of these parameters as you set up your regatta.  All the parameters can be changed.  To change a parameter, click on the cell to the right in the Value column.  For example, the first parameter under Entries is Entries Locked Date.  To change it, click on its value (2011-07-15).  Dates are changed by clicking in the field and using the up and down arrows on your keyboard. Click in 2011 and use the up arrow to change it to 2012.
Some paramaters have a dialog box.  For example, under Event Categories, the first paramater is Affiliation Categories. When you click in the Value cell a small box with three dots shows up at the right end of the Value cell.  Click on it for the dialog box.
Some parameters have a drop-down box.  Under Handicapping, the first parameter is Handicap Homogeneous Races.  Click in the Value cell and a drop-down box appears at the right end of the Value cell.

The first line under your regatta name is Venue.  Click on the little box with a + sign to the left  of Venue to expand it.  This is where you can change the number of lane numbers and other course parameters.


Click on the + sign to the left of the first event to expand the listing
Listed first are all the team entries.  Click on the + sign to the left of each to expand it and see the competitors in each boat.

Below all the entries are stages and races.  Stages typcially might include heats, semi-finals and finals.  Click on the + sign to the left to expand the stage and show its races.  Click on the + sign to the left of each race to show the boats.

You can drag boats from one race to another.  Two ways to change lane numbers:

  1. Click on the team name in its race and in the lower right window, Property tab, click on the Value cell to the right of Lane Number and change it.

2.  Alternatively, click on the race name, right click, select Assign Lanes, then Starting Lane: x.