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Below you can find a selection of Frequently Asked Questions. If you need additional help click here for the Wiki Home page or scroll to the Copy of FAQs of this page for the listing of spaces that provide more in-depth instructions, tutorials, and videos. We also have full time staff available to assist you if you can't find help below. 

Our support contact information:


Phone: +1 (614) 360-2922

If you are interested in our Club Management or Regatta Management services, please contact or +1 (614) 360-2922 ext. ??????

Account Management

Forgot your login information? 

  • Go to and click on 'Login' at the top of the page
  • Use the Forgot your 'Username' link to request that your username be sent via email. Use the 'password' link to request that a link be sent via email to reset your password
  • Submit the requested information then check your email

How do I change personal information (i.e. name, address, email, password, username, etc.) for the account holder?

  • Go to and login
  • Hover over the account name located in the upper right hand corner and click on "Profile"
  • Click the 'Update' button after you have made any changes to the Account Information

How do I edit my athlete information or add an athlete to my roster?

  • Go to and login
  • Click on the 'Roster' link to the right of your team's name listed in the Affiliations box
    • Double click on an athlete's name to edit information
    • Click on the "New' button to add an athlete to your roster

Why can't I access my roster?

  • If your team or club has a USRowing organizational membership, granting access to the roster has to be done through USRowing's website.
  • If you feel that you should have administrative level access to the roster, but do not see the full list for your team, please contact RegattaCentral Support.

How do I submit an entry?

How do I submit a composite entry?

How do I register for a club membership, program, learn to row, etc?

  • Login to your RegattaCentral account
  • On your homepage, locate and click on the "Clubs" tab at the top of the page
  • Scroll down and click on the name of the club
  • Select the desired program and chose a participant from the drop down or create a new one
  • You will then be asked to provide relevant information and submit payment

How do I register more than one participant for a club service listed on RegattaCentral?

  • If registering through your club's website you can indicate the quantity for each program, or add the program to your cart then click the 'Add another' link after you log in. Select the participants' names in the drop-down menus.
  • If registering through the RegattaCentral website you can click the 'Register' or 'Join/Renew' link then click the 'Add another' link on the cart page. Select the participants' names in the drop-down menus.

How do I find a past invoice?

  • To find your invoice for a club registration, click on "View Details" to the right of the name of the organization on your homepage.
  • To find your invoice from a past regatta, click on the "Previous" tab in the Regatta Calendar & Entries section of your homepage. Then click the "my invoice" link next to the regatta.

How do I request a refund?

  • To request a refund for a club registration, we recommend reaching out to the club the registration is with. A contact email for the organization can be found on the "View Details" page of the registration
  • To request a refund for a regatta entry, we recommend reaching out to the contact listed on the Overview page of the regatta.

Copy of FAQs

Club Management

What features are available through your Club Management Service?
    • Ability to customize the registration form for each of the services you create
    • Ability to set a capacity for each service
    • Ability to create a 'roster' for each service
    • Email notification when someone registers
    • Daily activity reports to track registrations and payments
    • Individual account management features for each registrant allow you to add, edit, and remove payments and registrations for active participants
    • Powerful discounting engine for multiple registrations
    • Full-time phone and email support for club staff and club members
    • And More! Please call (614) 360-2922 for more details
What are the fees for your Club Management service?
    • The Club Management fees are calculated per person per registration
    • There are no registration fees for volunteer or donation services
    • There are no long term contracts or hidden fees on RegattaCentral 
    • Our payment methods include: PayPal (free to set up and can use if we do not accept your credit card); all major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, and Discover) and check by mail
    • Please call (614) 360-2922 for more details about our pricing
Can I get a demonstration of the Club Management service before I decide to use RegattaCentral?
    • Absolutely! RegattaCentral uses TurboMeeting, an online meeting program, to demonstrate the features of our Club Management service. This allows us to interact directly with our potential customers and receive immediate feedback about our services. It also allows us to "pass control" to the user so they can experience how the features work first hand. Conference calling is also available.
How do I post my club on RegattaCentral so I can take advantage of your Club Management service?
    • Posting your club on RegattaCentral is easy! Just send an email to: with the following information:
      • Club/Camp Name:
      • City, State & Zip of Club/Camp:
      • Primary contact:
      • Email of primary contact:
      • URL of club website:
      • Payee (whom to make checks payable):
      • Payment address (where to mail checks):

Copy of FAQs

Regatta Management

What features are available through your Regatta Management service?
    • Fully configurable regatta registration system
    • Self-provisioning features and fully integrated content management system so regatta staff can update deadlines, upload PDF documents and images, enter the schedule and more in real-time
    • Ability to access accounting and compliance reports
    • Ability to interface with many of the leading timing providers in the industry (RaceDay, RegattaMaster, and Regatta Workbench)
    • Post-regatta survey with results available in real-time to the regatta staff
    • Full time phone and email support for regatta staff and regatta participants
    • And More! Please call (614) 360-2922 for more details
What are the fees for your Regatta Management service?
    • Regatta Management fees are based on shell size
    • There are no long term contracts or hidden fees on RegattaCentral
    • Our payment methods include: PayPal (free to set up and can use if we do not accept your credit card); all major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, and Discover) and check by mail
    • Please call (614) 360-2922 for more details about our pricing and new discounts

Can I get a demonstration of the Regatta Management service before I decide to use RegattaCentral?
    • Absolutely! RegattaCentral uses TurboMeeting, an online meeting program, to demonstrate the features of our Club Management service. This allows us to interact directly with our potential customers and receive immediate feedback about our services. It also allows us to "pass control" to the user so they can experience how the features work first hand. Conference calling is also available.
How do I list my regatta on RegattaCentral?
    • If you would like to re-list a regatta, send an email to with the name of the regatta and the new date. Indicate whether or not you would like to copy the information (i.e. Event List, Fees, News) from the previous year to help you get started.
    • If you are listing a regatta for the first time, send an email to with the following information (items marked with an * are required):
      • *Regatta name:
      • *Host:
      • *Date of event:
      • *Event type (Sprint, Head, etc.):
      • *Venue (body of water):
      • *City, State & Zip of venue:
      • *Primary Contact:
      • *Contact Email:
      • Contact Phone (optional):
      • Categories Offered (i.e. HS, Open, Masters):
      • URL of host website:
      • URL of regatta website:
      • *Payee (if different than host):
      • *Payee address:
      • Entry fees:

Copy of FAQs

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For more information, step-by-step information, and video tutorials check out the links below:

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