Thank you for partnering with RegattaCentral for the use of our WaiverPortal. Below is a Step-by-Step guide for creating the waiver portal for administrators who have been granted access by RegattaCentral or Regatta Staff.
How to Create your Waiver Portal
- Go to RegattaCentral Staff Portal
- Login with your RegattaCentral account information
- Select your Regatta from the drop down menu
- Select 'Athlete Portal - Compliance Documents Setup'
- Edit the URL, enter a date the portal will open, and a date the portal will close. Additionally you can add a message for before the portal is open and a message for after it closes.
- Upload an image for your banner
- Select the information you would like the form to collect by selecting required, optional or disabled
- Select who you would like to be able to utilize the portal from the drop down
- Fill out the waiver document and attestation
- When complete select 'add new document'
- Once you have added all your documents you can used the links options to add your social media and website to the portal
- You can then add any images for sponsors you would like to show in the portal
- Lastly, you can edit the confirmation email that people will receive when they have completed the portal.
- Once you have completed set up you can save the information, activate the portal, and test the portal from the top of the page.
- You can then copy the URL to your RegattaPage for easy access by participants