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Most regattas will allow account holders to edit, scratch and move entries into other events until the day of the Standard Deadline. Some regattas will have these options disabled and a notification message will be displayed if a user clicks a disabled link.


To edit entriesThe organizing committee for a Regatta has the ability to allow and disable the following functions for account holders: entry editing, scratching an entry, and moving entries into another event category.  In cases where these functions are disabled, a notification message appears when a user clicks the disabled function. 

How to: 

Edit Entries:

  1. Go to RegattaCentral and Login
    1. Image Added
  2. Locate the regatta in the Regatta Calendar & Entries box (located on the left side of the screen)your screen.     
  3. Click on the 'my entries' link next to the affiliation associated with the entries you used to submit entrieswant to edit. 
    1. Image Added
  4. On the My Entries page locate the entry you wish you edit from the list of your entriesto edit.
  5. Click on the 'edit' link on the right side of the screen and make any necessary changes to the entry
    1. Image Added
    2. Note: Some regattas do not allow registrants to edit entries. For these regattas, changes must be submitted directly to the regatta host or LOCorganizing committee.  
  6. Click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the entry form to save any changes.

To scratch entries:


  1. Go to RegattaCentral and Login
    1. Image Added
  2. Locate the regatta in the Regatta Calendar & Entries box on the left side of your screen.     
  3. Click on the 'my entries' link next to the affiliation associated with the entries you want to edit. 
    1. Image Added
  4. On the My Entries page locate the entry you wish to scratch. 
  5. Click on the 'scratch' link on the right side of the screen to remove the entry from the event
    1. Image RemovedImage Added
  6. Click the 'Scratch' button to confirm that you would like to scratch the entry

Note: You may still owe entry fees depending on when the entry is scratched. Check the 'My Invoice' page to see if you owe payment for the scratched entry. You may also contact the regatta host organizing committee to inquire about their refund policy.

To move entries:


  1. Go to RegattaCentral and Login
    1. Image Added
  2. Locate the regatta in the Regatta Calendar & Entries  box on the left side of your screen.     
  3. Click on the 'my entries' link next to the affiliation associated with the entries you want to edit. 
    1. Image Added
  4. On the My Entries page locate the entry you wish to move. 
  5. Click on the 'move' link on the right side of the screen
    1. Image RemovedImage Added
  6. Select the new event
    1. Note: Options will be limited based on the gender and shell configuration of the current event
  7. Your entry will be automatically switched into that event and you will see the entry on the 'My Entries' page



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