Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Additional features are available above the grid view on the left side of the screen. To use these features you may need to select multiple rows. To select multiple consecutive rows hold the 'Shift' key while clicking on a range of records. To select multiple non-consecutive rows hold the 'Control' key ('Command' on a Mac) then click on each row.

-Add a new record athlete using the "'New " button

- Duplicate records can be merged into one athlete record using the 'Merge' button
- Members who are no longer active with the team can be moved to the 'Archived' section of the roster using the 'Archive|' button. Members can also be unarchived if necessary.
- Records can be deleted from the club roster using the 'Delete' button. This feature is only available for users who have permission to view and edit the full team-wide roster.
- The roster can be exported to an Excel file using the 'Export' button.

Please contact RegattaCentral Support if you need assistance using any of these features.

- Phone: 614-360-2922
- Email:

Questions regarding USRowing membership can be directed to USRowing. 
