Most regattas will allow account holders to edit, scratch and move entries into other events until the day of the Standard Deadline. Some regattas will have these options disabled and a notification message will be displayed if a user clicks a disabled link.
- Follow steps 1-4 above
- Click on the 'scratch' link on the right side of the screen to remove the entry from the event
- Click the 'Scratch' button to confirm that you would like to scratch the entry
- Follow steps 1-4 above
- Click on the 'move' link on the right side of the screen
- Select the new event
- Note: Options will be limited based on the gender and shell configuration of the current event
- Your entry will be automatically switched into that event and you will see the entry on the 'My Entries' page
- English: support@regattacentral.com
- Français: aide@regattacentral.com
- Deutsch: hilfe@regattacentral.com