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The team-wide roster is used to store information about members of rowing organizations. This roster can be used to update member information, categorize members as Active or Inactive (Archived), and monitor USRowing waiver status for USRowing member organizations.

Most account holders will see only member records that they have added to the roster or used in line-ups. Full access to the roster is limited to authorized accounts to protect the privacy of member information. Contact RegattaCentral support if you believe your account should be granted full access to the team-wide roster.

Recent updates to the appearance of the roster were published in preparation for future enhancements. The grid view of the roster is now limited to the left half of the screen. Athlete information can be edited in the 'Athlete Detail' section on the right side of the screen. To view or edit athlete information double click the athlete's name, or click on the name to highlight the row then click the 'View'' button.




Additional features are available above the grid view on the left side of the screen.

titleSelecting Multiple Rows

To use these features you may need to select multiple rows.

  • To select multiple consecutive rows hold the 'Shift' key while


  • selecting a range of records


  • To select multiple non-consecutive rows hold the 'Control' key ('Command' on a Mac) then click on each row


  • Press the 'New' button


  • to add an athlete to your roster
  • Duplicate records can be merged if the first name, last name, gender, and birthdate match. Correct any discrepancies before attempting to merge.
  • Select the records to be merged then click the 'Merge' button


  • Members who are no longer active with the team can be moved to the


  • Archived


  • section of the roster using the 'Archive


  • ' button


  • Members can also be unarchived if necessary


  • using the 'Unarchive' button under the Archived tab


  • Records can be deleted from the club roster using the 'Delete' button


  • This feature is only available for users who have permission to view and edit the full team-wide roster

