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- Copy of FAQs
How do I register more than one participant for a club service?
- Copy of FAQs
- Copy of FAQs
- I got a 404 page not found "Oops-We've misplaced our ours!" or "Oops-Looks like we've caught a crab!" What do I do now?
- I'm trying to sign a waiver but get the "Please contact your coach or club administrator and request they add you to your club's roster or click the ‘Back’ button to try the search again."
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- Go to and login
- Hover over the account name located in the upper right hand corner and click on "Profile"
- Update the desired information
- Click the 'Update' button after to save you have made any changes to the Account Information
- Go to and login
- Click on the 'Roster' link to the right of your team's name listed in the Affiliations box
- Double click on an athlete's name to edit information
- If the edit button does not appear for an athlete, that means the record is managed by someone else. For example, if the record is linked to the athlete's USRowing membership, the information can only be edited through USRowing
- Click on the "New' button to add an athlete to your roster
- Double click on an athlete's name to edit information
- To find your invoice for a club registration, click on "View Details" to the right of the name of the organization on your homepage
- To find your invoice from a past regatta, click on the "Previous" tab in the Regatta Calendar & Entries section of your homepage. Then click the "my invoice" link next to the regatta.
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I got a 404 page not found "Oops-We've misplaced our ours!" or "Oops-Looks like we've caught a crab!" What do I do now?
I'm trying to sign a waiver but get the message "Please contact your coach or club administrator and request they add you to your club's roster or click the ‘Back’ button to try the search again."
- Double check that the athlete's date of birth and spelling of their name is correct on the roster
- Make sure you are trying to submit the waiver under the correct club name
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